Creating a meaningful and lasting
Art Keepsake
Chantry loves to create custom pieces of art for your home!
Have something you want to capture for your home, family, friends or business? Chantry will paint a custom painting for you. Custom examples coming soon.
How it Works
Step 01
Select your subject matter
Tell us what you would like Chantry to paint. Photos or other ideas are welcome. Please leave room in your vision for artistic interpretation and Chantry's personal style.
Step 02
Select your size
Please see standard sizes below. If another size is desired, please contact me via email or phone to arrange for a custom size.
Step 03
When you want project completed by
If you are wanting your painting completed by a certain date, we will need this information for drying and framing time planning.
Step 04
Choose unframed or Framed
You can order a painting with or without a frame. Ordering without a frame allows you the option to frame the painting in a way that works best for where it is being placed. Ordering our paintings that are pre-framed are a covenient way to save time and money on framing.
Commissioned Painting Options
Prices are subject to change. Please see current pricing. The price you agree upon will be honored if prices go up in the future.
8"x8" Unframed
8"x8" Framed
10x10 Unframed
10x10 Framed
12"x12" Unframed
12"x12" Framed
* Framed pricing refers to standard gold frame 2.5" wide. Click here to see sample frame. Prices with vary for custom and additional frames options.
16"x20" Unframed
16"x20" Framed (standard gold frame)
* Framed pricing refers to standard gold frame 2.5" wide. Click here to see sample frame. Prices with vary for custom and additional frames options.
More sizes coming soon
* Framed pricing refers to standard gold frame 2.5" wide. Click here to see sample frame. Prices with vary for custom and additional frames options.
Here are the most frequently asked questions.
If there’s anything else you’d like to know, please Reach Out
How long does it take a painting to dry?It usually takes one to two weeks for the oil paint to dry depending on how thick it is and how much drying agent has been applied.
Do you ship your paintings?Yes, I ship to the continental United States. Paintings can be expensive to ship for larger sizes and shipping options will be indicated on the website in the future.
Can I pick up my painting if I live in the local area?Yes, if you live close enough to pick up your painting in Heber, you are welcome to arrange pickup.
What is an FAQ section?An FAQ section can be used to quickly answer common questions about you or your business, such as “Where do you ship to?”, “What are your opening hours?” or “How can I book a service?” It’s a great way to help people navigate your site and can even boost your site’s SEO.